We are never alone.

When I first heard those two little words — “Down syndrome” — I felt everything and nothing at all, all the same time. All these emotions clumped together into this heaviness wrapped all around me. I felt disconnected from my body. I remember thinking that if that hospital was on fire, I physically wouldn’t be able to get out. Of all that I felt, the most profound feeling was feeling so very alone.

And now? Well, now I get to live a life full of full circle moments. From the depths of despair to the greatest joys. The gift of perspective and purpose. This view of life as the precious gift it is. The deep connection I have to others walking this journey with us… those whose lives changed like ours and those who’ve loved us through it and love our son just as fiercely. Family and friends like family before the diagnosis and friends like family because of the diagnosis. None of this would’ve happened without those two little words.

Thank you for always supporting us and loving the Dynamic Duo! Yesterday we couldn’t walk together because of a global pandemic. But we weren’t alone. We are never alone. Because of all of you.